Memories from Andy & Liz

Created by Andy one year ago

Liz and I were introduced to Victor, Rowena and family by our mutual friend Jean who had been with them in Bangalore.  In the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, we used to travel down to South Petherton on weekends to help with setting up the first Global Village Crafts shop.  We would paint and decorate during the day, have tea and cakes followed later by supper and often stayed over with Victor and Rowena. We have fond memories of this time; of Victor and Rowena and their (then) two young boys.  Rowena welcomed us into their family and with gentle humour and organisation kept the ‘show on the road’ amongst Victor and Nick’s joyous banter and practical jokes.  Rowena had a real flair for doing the shop window displays.  She always knew just what went with what to best effect and would come in as each space became ready to set up the display.  In following years we also spent a couple of memorable Christmas’s with the family.  It was a happy time full of fun, enthusiasm and laughter and just a little work.  So started a lifelong friendship that has sadly just come to an end.

Andy & Liz
In more recent times, after Rowena moved to Bristol, we were invited to barbeques to sample her excellent culinary skills and be stimulated with psychological theory discussions.
After her move to St. Agnes she visited a friend staying in lovely rented house in Falmouth and she took to the time to pass on the details to us and where we spent several happy holidays.  This also gave us the opportunity to regularly meet up for lunch plus an organised walk.
She introduced us to alternative theatre productions produced by friends in Bristol.  One of these was performed by actors with range of disabilities and which I found transformative.
Rowena was a quietly supportive constant friend willing to give her time to provide information and support that might be of use or interest to others.
Her untimely death will be a great loss for us.

